A Letter to the REST Community

Dear Beloved of REST Community,

All too soon, we find ourselves on the brink of completing the first half of the year. Throughout the chilly and icy winter, the awakening of spring, and the vibrant summer, the storms and brightness of nature serve as a powerful reminder of the resilience embedded within each of us. These seasons symbolize the ebb and flow of life, urging us to embrace the challenges we face and to forge ahead with unwavering determination, knowing that brighter days lie ahead. 

I extend my excitement to the editorial team for providing me with this opportunity to express my thoughts. As we embark on the months of June to September, it becomes evident that this period is filled with a multitude of activities that highlight the principles of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusiveness in Canada. Notably, we commemorate National Indigenous People Day on June 21st,  with REST paying homage to the rich cultural heritage and contributions of the Indigenous peoples of our nation. REST Centres acknowledges the historical legacy and the remarkable diversity of the First Nations, Inuit, and Métis communities across Canada. It is through the recognition of our diverse heritage that we foster a stronger, more inclusive society. 

We also acknowledge the 2SLGBTQIA+ community during this month. It is evident through research that 2SLGBTQIA+ youth make up between 25% and 40% of homeless youth in Canada (2022). A major contributing factor to these numbers is discrimination. We recognize the unique challenges they face, including higher rates of homelessness and limited access to housing resources. As an organization dedicated to serving homeless and at-risk youth, we stand firmly against any form of discrimination or mistreatment based on sexual orientation or gender identity. We believe that every young person deserves love, acceptance, and equal opportunities.  

As we approach Canadian Multiculturalism Day on June 27th and Canada Day on July 1st, let us celebrate the rich diversity and unity that define our nation, fostering a sense of belonging and appreciation for the cultural tapestry that makes Canada truly special. 

In this issue of our newsletter, I found it delightful to let you know the success of REST Centres in being chosen among partner organizations to be on a panel of discussants and present a poster presentation at the Peel Region summit dubbed "Will Poverty End with Us? A Call to Collective Action". These showcase the high-level visibility of REST Centre on the regional platform, and our Board of Directors wishes to use the opportunity to appreciate our donors and stakeholders for their meaningful contributions that have brought us this far. 

The poster presentation conveyed the journey homeless and at-risk black youth go through in their search for dignified shelter.  It is emotional and appeals to the individual personal connections with the trustworthy staff, holistic intervention provided by the REST team and the impact it is making in transforming the lives of our youth in the Peel Region. 

I invite you to walk through the journey with us as we seek your enviable support to address youth homelessness in the country. I urge you to remember the old African proverb, "Rain Does Not Fall on One Roof Alone”. The rains and storms of youth homelessness are not confined to individuals alone but need all hands on deck to weather the thunderstorms. 

I use the opportunity to congratulate all staff and contributors to this successful representation of REST Centers at the summit. To the Peel Region, REST affirms our unwavering support for addressing Youth Homelessness in our communities.  

~ Dr. Ben Bempah, (Operations Director, REST Centres)


2SLGBTQIA+ housing needs and challenges. CMHC. (2022, June 15). https://www.cmhc-schl.gc.ca/en/blog/2022/2slgbtqia-housing-needs-challenges 


Found in the Storm: REST Centres Participates in “Will Poverty End With Us?” Poster Fair


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